

Tuesday, 18 August 2015 11:37


Noorwegen Savannah

The latest newsletter of the National Towage Museum dated July 2015 is published!


You will find the newsletter in the News category in this website, from where you can download this document, and on Facebook. If you would like to receive the news bulletins on your personal mail account, please let us know on the mail page in this website in the Contact chapter.
The newsletter is published once per quarter, in January, April, July and October.
Note: the newsletter is published in the Dutch language only.


This bulletin contains:


- preface from the chairman
- short history of Dutch towage
- the McElroy Chart of Codes And Signals
- ship talk
- memories of world war II
- a trip aboard the the 99 year old seagoing tug boat FURIE
- changes in modern offshore and towage
- the new marine satellite antenna system in the museum
- miscellaneous


Please press the blue button to download the newsletter.

Friday, 24 July 2015 13:42


Monday, 20 July 2015 00:58


Sunday, 19 July 2015 11:14


Every year in summer you can visit the Maassluis book market in the open air. This market is part of the cultural life in Maassluis.
The National Dutch Towage Museum will also open her doors from 13.30 h. We provide for an attractive and affordable supply of interesting maritime books, especially about Dutch towage and tugs, photographs and other towage curiosa.
Of course our salespeople are fully prepared to tell you all about the museum and the towage activities in The Netherlands now and in the past.
The book market will take place on a Saturday. This year it is on June 25th. The location is the parking lot near the Schuurkerk (the old barn church building) at the avenue "P.C. Hooftlaan", opening hours 10.00 -16.00 h.
Maassluis can easily be reached by bus, train and car. Parking is free.

Friday, 03 June 2016 19:14

Book Market day in Maassluis June 25th

Every year in summer you can visit the Maassluis book market in the open air. This market is part of the cultural life in Maassluis.
The National Dutch Towage Museum also will open her doors at 13.30 h. We provide for an attractive and affordable supply of interesting maritime books, especially about Dutch towage and tugs, photographs and other towage curiosa.
Of course our salespeople are prepared to tell you all about the museum and the towage activities in The Netherlands.
The book market will take place on Saturday June 25th 2016. The location is the parking lot near the Schuurkerk (the old barn church building) at the avenue "P.C. Hooftlaan", opening hours 10.00 -16.00 h.
Maassluis can easily be reached by bus, train and car.
More information:



Sunday, 14 June 2015 14:15


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