Every year in summer you can visit the Maassluis book market in the open air. This market is part of the cultural life in Maassluis.
The National Dutch Towage Museum will also open her doors from 13.30 h. We provide for an attractive and affordable supply of interesting maritime books, especially about Dutch towage and tugs, photographs and other towage curiosa.
Of course our salespeople are fully prepared to tell you all about the museum and the towage activities in The Netherlands now and in the past.
The book market will take place on a Saturday. This year it is on June 25th. The location is the parking lot near the Schuurkerk (the old barn church building) at the avenue "P.C. Hooftlaan", opening hours 10.00 -16.00 h.
Maassluis can easily be reached by bus, train and car. Parking is free.

Friday, 03 June 2016 19:14

Book Market day in Maassluis June 25th

Every year in summer you can visit the Maassluis book market in the open air. This market is part of the cultural life in Maassluis.
The National Dutch Towage Museum also will open her doors at 13.30 h. We provide for an attractive and affordable supply of interesting maritime books, especially about Dutch towage and tugs, photographs and other towage curiosa.
Of course our salespeople are prepared to tell you all about the museum and the towage activities in The Netherlands.
The book market will take place on Saturday June 25th 2016. The location is the parking lot near the Schuurkerk (the old barn church building) at the avenue "P.C. Hooftlaan", opening hours 10.00 -16.00 h.
Maassluis can easily be reached by bus, train and car.
More information:



Wednesday, 22 April 2015 10:15

Book Bristol tugs in colour

Coastal Shipping Publications recently published "Bristol Tugs in Colour (Volume 1)", written by Bernard McCall. This latest Tugs pictorial album contains a selection of stunning colour photographs of tugs that have visited ports in the Bristol area over the last fifty years. Volume 1 includes tugs used for ship handling and in the fleets of C J King and Cory/Wijsmuller/Svitzer. Each photograph is accompanied by an informative caption. This first volume begins with the tugs of C J King. It then moves on to the larger tugs that have worked in the ports and port approaches. Finally there is a section that sees the tugs at work. Within each section, tugs are seen approximately in date order of construction but this sequence is broken to allow us to see the same tug in various liveries. "Bristol Tugs in Colour (Volume 1)" (ISBN 978-1-902953-70-0) is a softback book, small size, of 64 pages, lavishly illustrated. The price is £9.95 plus £1.75 European postage. Ordering via the bookshop, or directly via the publisher, Coastal Shipping, 400 Nore Road, Portishead, Bristol BS20 8EZ, UK. Tel/Fax: +44(0)1275.846178, www.coastalshipping.co.uk , e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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